APSA - 80


APSA 80 offers an excellent opportunity to farmers to increase their crop yields. APSA-80 is an all-purpose spray adjuvant which on mixing with insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and defoliators increases their efficacy. As a result of that, the crops, fruits and vegetable are better protected from diseases, pests and unwanted herbs, resulting in more productive yield. This adjuvant has 80% of active ingredients and this can be mixed in any solution to improve its performance many times.

Note: APSA-80 is neither an insecticide nor a fertilizer. It is an adjuvant that enhances the performances of insecticides and fertilizers and also helps water or solution to penetrate deeper.

Apsa-80 can be used on:
Field crops: Rice, Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane etc.
Vegetables: Cabbage, Carrots, Pea Pods, Spinach, Peppers, Cauliflower etc.
Fruits: Orange, Apple, Grapes, Peaches, Mangoes, Pears, Bananas, Tomatoes etc.
Grounds: APSA 80 is effective for use on cricket field and on golf courses, for due control.

How does APSA-80 work?
When water is placed on a water repellent surface as a plant leaf, water does not spread out evenly over the leaf’s surface as water has the property called surface tension. 

APSA-80 contains special elements – “Non Ironic Surfactants” that break down the surface tension of the water. These surfactants work on the surface of the water droplet to reduce its tendency to bead up by pulling the water and the wax on the leaf surface together, reducing the water's surface tension and causing the water droplet to spread out. When the water used in pesticide sprays spreads out more evenly, the result is much better pesticide coverage. Adding APSA-80 helps insecticides, defoliators and foliar fertilizers to penetrate the surface of the leaf faster and more evenly.

How to Use APSA-80?

Ø  With Insecticides, Fungicides, Foliar Fertilizers and Defoliators:
  • Prepare a solution of insecticides / fungicides / foliar fertilizers / defoliators and water. Follow the mixing instructions recommended by the pesticide manufacturer.
  • Mix 5ml of APSA per 15litres of pesticide or foliar fertilizer solution.
  • Spray normally on the crop

Ø  With Post - Emergent Herbicides:
  • Make a solution of the post-emergent herbicide to be used with water in the spray tank. Follow the mixing instructions recommended by the herbicide manufacturer.
  • Mix 20ml of APSA per 15 liters of post emergent herbicide solution
  • Spray normally on the crop.

Ø  For use as an Irrigation Aid or in Golf Courses:
  • Wet the ground with 160ml of APSA in at least 80 liters per acre. The dosage of APSA-80 will remain 160ml per acre of land even if the water required is more than 80 liters to cover an acre of land.
  • About 12 hours before irrigating, spray this mixture of APSA - 80 and water directly on the entire land area which is to be irrigated. Spray directly on the soil.
  • Let the water flow into the land and see how it penetrates the soil better and also spreads better.
  • The above mentioned spray of APSA - 80 will remain effective for about 4 weeks. Repeat the above steps for irrigation after a month.

Advantages of APSA – 80:
  • Spreader - provides more uniform spray deposit on plants, improves coverage of insecticide, herbicide, fungicide and foliar fertilizer sprays.
  • Activator - through wetting action helps improve performance of post-emergent herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.
  • For use on growing and harvested crops.
  • Helps in dispersing powders and oil-base liquids.
  • The International and Indian test results on variety of crops prove the effectiveness of APSA-80 for improving pesticide coverage and performance.
  • Increases water penetration - gets more water into the soil. Also aids irrigation by reducing run-off; saves water.
  • Aids irrigation by increasing rate at which water soaks into soil; promotes more efficient water usage.
  • Because of its ability to help keep pesticides in solution, APSA helps us keeping equipment clean and prevents clogging of nozzles, resulting in less down time for your machinery, fewer mechanical worries and easier machine maintenance.
  • Non Corrosive: APSA is made with unique, non-corrosive formula to protect metal pumps, tanks, and other metal equipment from the dangers of rust and corrosion.
  • According to Indian researches, APSA-80 fetches a return of 15 to 213 times of the amount spent on it.
  • APSA contains low foaming surfactant which is both non-ionic (having no electrical charge) and biodegradable(able to be broken into simpler compounds by natural biological action)


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